Wednesday, December 19, 2012

OS ws

        WorkSheets - Operating System
Linux Commands -

Grepping multiple processes  - ps -ef | egrep -i "|"
spliting a file in to several  - split -b 1024m
parts of 1 GB filesize each.

Presentation Pictures   -
Report format-

"DB - 8*5 check"
To direct an output to screen as well as file - ./  | tee 102_relocate_containers.log
pk7xap01@s96ss0d14:/home/pk7xap01 : while true
> do
> db2 list utilities show detail
> sleep 60
> done
CISM database checking procedure -
Server    - s96ars10-v2
Database  - arsprd
PORT    - 1522
Check Listener  - ps -ef | grep -i inherit
TNS Checking - tnsping arsprd
OS user   - ora_arsprd

Laste successful TSM backup- `db2adutl query full db $LOGNAME|grep '1 Time:'|awk '{print $3}'|head -1`
To find the TSM using - dsmc q sess

Operating System
 Creating log file for a .sh script:
 .sh | tee -a .log
 Send a message (Banner) for all users:
 wall + + + + CTRL-D

 Create a link
  Soft link -
   ln -s

    ln -s /epeople/onredom/hrepgll9 hrepprd9
   Removal of link-
    rm hrepprd9

 Process tree structure
  SUN - pstree
  AIX - proctree

 List system error message
  SUN - errpt

 No of processors
  AIX - lsdev -Cc processor | wc -l
  SUN - prtdiag -v
 Bit version

  Sun  - isainfo -kv
  AIX  - bootinfo -K
  HP   - getconf KERNEL_BITS
  Linux - getconf LONG_BIT

 Memory tracking

  Linux stores memory related information in a file called /proc/meminfo.
  You can list the meminfo file to see the current state of system memory.

   cat /proc/meminfo

  The Linux free command extracts and formats pertinent
  information from the meminfo file and displays it as follows:

   free -k or free -m

  To check memory size in Linux using dmesg, run the following command:

   dmesg |grep -i memory (Running dmesg command in Linux displays memory in kilobytes)

  Linux also comes with top command, top can be run to check real memory size  and
  memory utilization.Top display total memory size,used memory,free memory ,memory
  buffers size and swap memory utilization :


  To display the amount of RAM:
   /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep Memory



   swapinfo -tm (HP-Ux swap space monitor)



   lsps -s (AIX paging monitor)

   prtconf | grep -i mem

 How to check system error messages
  Sun - cat /var/adm/messages (Optionally tail /var/adm/messages)
  AIX - errpt

 Create and maintain screen
 Create screen  - screen -S
        Eg: screen -S TT11320203_Ora_task
 Attach to screen - screen -r  
      Eg: screen -r TT11320203_Ora_task
 Detach from screen - CTRL+A and release hand then press D

 Database list in EDC

  read db_name;cat /sysadm/utils/ora_util.sid..| grep -i $db_name
  read db_name;cat ora_util.sid..| grep -i $db_name
  cat /sysadm/utils/ora_util.sid..| grep -i


  To find the pattern and print the line + the line above

  awk '{if ($2=="ALTER") {print ab,"\n",$0} {ab=$0}}'
  To find the pattern in a file
  awk '{print $1}' imp_ttu2_METADATA_ONLY_19022010.log|grep -i ORA-|head
  awk '{print $1}' imp_ttu2_METADATA_ONLY_19022010.log|grep -i ORA-|sort -u

 Loop to monitor

  while :;do ls -l | wc -l;sleep 60;done   # use CTRL+C for exit from loop
  while : ; do ls -l *.Z | wc -l ; sleep 60 ; done

  Loop to monitor a FS
   cat >
   clear; echo 'Please enter FS: '; read fs; clear; echo 'Please enter freequency (in seconds): '; read freeq; while : ; do clear; df -h $fs ; sleep $freeq; clear ; done
   chmod 755
   alias watch=./
   while : ; do clear ; echo "Fleetboard Restoration Progress (in last 30 mins)" ; ./|grep "Completed Work"; sleep 1800 ; clear ; done

  To make the desired date format
  Date format: $(date +"%d%m%Y")    - ddmmyy
  Date format: $(date +"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")  - dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss

 File management

  Replacement command
   Press SHIFT+: then type 1,$s/10.2.0/ -- Here 10.2.0 is the string to be replaced with
  Checking difference in 2 files

   vkvxap01@s96gbs01:/home/vkvxap01 : ls -ltr backup_dbm_cfg_270309.txt
   -rw-r--r--   1 vkvxap01 vkvxap01       5220 Mar 27 05:05 backup_dbm_cfg_270309.txt
   vkvxap01@s96gbs01:/home/vkvxap01 : db2 get dbm cfg > dbm_cfg_updated_270309.txt
   vkvxap01@s96gbs01:/home/vkvxap01 : ls -ltr dbm_cfg_updated_270309.txt
   -rw-r--r--   1 vkvxap01 vkvxap01       5220 Mar 27 05:37 dbm_cfg_updated_270309.txt
   vkvxap01@s96gbs01:/home/vkvxap01 :
   vkvxap01@s96gbs01:/home/vkvxap01 :
   vkvxap01@s96gbs01:/home/vkvxap01 : diff backup_dbm_cfg_270309.txt dbm_cfg_updated_270309.txt
   <  CPU speed (millisec/instruction)             (CPUSPEED) = 5.038339e-07
   >  CPU speed (millisec/instruction)             (CPUSPEED) = 5.668131e-07
   vkvxap01@s96gbs01:/home/vkvxap01 :

  Delete audit files
   find -name '*.aud' -exec rm {} \;

  Pack/ Compress
   gzip -9
   nohup gzip -c > &

    gzip -9 < /log/oracle/network/listener.log > /log/oracle/network/listener.log.gz
    compress < /log/oracle/network/listener.log > /log/oracle/network/listener.log.Z

  Pack/ Compress perticular files
   tar -cvf .tar $FILES
   gzip --best .tar
   rm $FILES

    cd /db2/backup_zujxap03/
    FILES="`echo ls *.trc`"
    tar -cvf db_oft1_trcs_301109.tar $FILES
    gzip --best db_oft1_trcs_301109.tar
    rm $FILES
   New Methode:

echo '';echo 'listing files to be archived:';echo '';FILES="`ls *.Z *.1`";echo $FILES;echo '';echo 'compressing..';echo '';tar -cvf logs_$(date +"%d%m%Y").tar $FILES;gzip -9 logs*.tar;echo '';echo 'files compressed as -';echo '';ls -ltr logs*tar*.gz
dsmc arch  "logs*tar*.gz"
dsmc q arch  "logs*tar*.gz"

  Truncate  file
   cat '' >
   Eg: cat '' > /log/oracle/network/listener.log

    While handlying with listener, do not  remove this file as the listener  keeps a
    filehandle to this file.  In case , if  we accidently removed listener.log,  The
    only solution to this problem is restarting the listener. If one knows that  the
    database is at that moment not under heavy connect/disconnect-load, then restart
    online. su - -c "lsnrctl stop; lsnrctl start"
    Now the disc-space should have been freed! 

  File system HWM

   df -g
   read fs;df -h fs
   read dir_name;cat /sysadm/utils/ora_fsmon.`hostname`.par | grep -i $dir_name
   cat /sysadm/utils/ora_fsmon.`hostname`.par | grep -i
   cat  /sysadm/utils/ora_fsmon.`hostname`.par

  Finding a word in all files under a FS
   grep $(find .)
    Ex: grep DATABASE_PASSWORD $(find .)

  Finding file sizes in unix mountpoints

   find -xdev -type f -size +10000000c -exec du -sk {} \;|sort -nr|more

  Easly copy file from local desktop to PUTTY
  Copy from file (Press CTRL+A and CTRL+C )

  in PUTTY -
   cat >
   Right click the mouse
   Press CTRL+D 

  Split file into equal size
  split -b m
  Once split complete, rename the files

   split -b 1945m VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001.gz -- spliting file into 1.9G approx

   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : ls -ltr
   total 66228304
   drwxrwxrwx    2 root     system         4096 Sep 23 14:48 .snapshot
   -rw-r-----    1 vl6xaq01 vl6xaq01 16921180833 Oct 19 14:40 VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001.gz
   -rw-------    1 vl6xaq01 vl6xaq01          0 Oct 19 15:00 nohup.out
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     system   2039480320 Oct 19 20:03 xaa
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     system   2039480320 Oct 19 20:05 xab
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     system   2039480320 Oct 19 20:06 xac
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     system   2039480320 Oct 19 20:08 xad
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     system   2039480320 Oct 19 20:09 xae
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     system   2039480320 Oct 19 20:11 xaf
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     system   2039480320 Oct 19 20:13 xag
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     system   2039480320 Oct 19 20:14 xah
   -rw-r--r--    1 root     system    605338273 Oct 19 20:15 xai
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 :
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 :
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : mv xaa VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001_01
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : mv xab VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001_02
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : mv xac VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001_03
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : mv xad VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001_04
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : mv xae VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001_05
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : mv xaf VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001_06
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : mv xag VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001_07
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : mv xah VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001_08
   root@s96ivk2d1:/mig12 : mv xai VL6XAQ01.0.vl6xaq01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101019132228.001_09

 To find pool serevr

  tail -100 /sysadm/utils/ora_omnib.log | grep -i dyn

 To check the total backup for a server
  root@:/sysadm/utils : ora_omnib -l -N | head

 TSM Commands
  Archieve to TSM  -  dsmc arch
      Eg : dsmc arch ZU8XAP01.0.zu8xap01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20081026194320.001
  Query TSM   -  dsmc q arch
      Eg : dsmc q arch ZU8XAP01.0.zu8xap01.NODE0000.CATN0000.20081026194320.001

  If those commands not working -

  Archieve to TSM  -  dsmc back
      Eg: dsmc back  listener.log.01042009.Z

  Query TSM   - dsmc q back
      Eg: dsmc q back  listener.log.01042009.Z

  Archive multiple files  -  dsmc archive "*"
      Eg: dsmc archive "nncc*"

  Query TSM   -  dsmc q archive "*"
      Eg: dsmc q archive "nncc*" 

  dsmc ret  "*S006297*"  -subdir=yes /db2/tmp_logs/

  Archive files under a directory
  dsmc arch -subdir=yes "/oracle/data1/exports/TT9416776/*" -desc=TT0011119940

  dsmc q arch "/oracle/data1/exports/TT9416776/*" -desc=TT0011119940

 RMAN backup schedule monitoring
  As root - ps -ef | grep dsm

     root@s96hrd11:/root : ps -ef | grep dsm
         root 1269888       1   0   Jun 24      -  0:02 /usr/bin/dsmcad -optfile=/usr/bin/dsm_s96hrd11_leadsnt.opt
         root 1274016       1   0   Jun 24      -  0:02 /usr/bin/dsmcad -optfile=/usr/bin/dsm_s96hrd11_leadt.opt
         root 1286228       1   0   Jun 24      -  0:02 /usr/bin/dsmcad -optfile=/usr/bin/dsm_s96hrd11_omr1.opt
         root 1310858       1   0   Jun 24      -  0:02 /usr/bin/dsmcad -optfile=/usr/bin/dsm_s96hrd11_epwtint.opt
         root 1327244       1   0   Jun 24      -  0:02 /usr/bin/dsmcad -optfile=/usr/bin/dsm_s96hrd11_hrapp03i.opt
         root 1331340       1   0   Jun 24      -  0:02 /usr/bin/dsmcad -optfile=/usr/bin/dsm_s96hrd11_hrapp01t.opt
         root 1335438       1   0   Jun 24      -  0:02 /usr/bin/dsmcad -optfile=/usr/bin/dsm_s96hrd11_hrapp01i.opt
         root 9347194 9789580  38 03:18:50      -  0:47 /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc incremental -subdir=yes / /epeople/cntrl1/ /epeople/cntrl2/ /epeople/cntrl3/ /epeople/databases/ /epeople/log/ /epeople/offredo/ /epeople/onredom/ /epeople/onredop/ /epeople/sort/ /glockware/ /home/ /opt/ /oracle/ /root/ /sysmgmt/ /tmp/ /usr/ /var/
         root 9482396 9797792   0 03:29:34  pts/1  0:00 grep dsm

    dsmc q sched <-optfile>

     root@s96hrd11:/root : dsmc q sched -optfile=/usr/bin/dsm_s96hrd11_epwtint.opt
     IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
     Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface
       Client Version 5, Release 3, Level 4.0
       Client date/time: 06/27/09   03:29:45
     (c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

     Node Name: S96HRD11_EPWTINT
     Session established with server S96TSM02: AIX-RS/6000
       Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 1.1
       Server date/time: 06/27/09   03:29:45  Last access: 06/27/09   03:29:01

         Schedule Name: ONLINE_EPWTINT
           Description: schedules RMAN Onlinebackup
        Schedule Style: Enhanced
                Action: Command
               Objects: /usr/bin/su - ora9i -c "export ORACLE_SID=epwtint;/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/scripts/oracle_tdpo.ksh -l full -s BUOn -r 1 -o 30"
              Priority: 5
        Next Execution: 1 Minute
              Duration: 1 Hour
           Day of Week: Tuesday, Saturday
                 Month: Any
          Day of Month: Any
         Week of Month: Any
                Expire: Never

    ps -ef | grep /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/scripts/oracle_tdpo.ksh

     root@s96hrd11:/root : ps -ef | grep /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/scripts/oracle_tdpo.ksh
        ora9i 9212104 9367796   0 03:30:06      -  0:00 /usr/bin/ksh /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/scripts/oracle_tdpo.ksh -l full -s BUOn -r 1 -o 30
         root 9416958 9797792   1 03:30:49  pts/1  0:00 grep /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/scripts/oracle_tdpo.ksh
       ora10g 9842854 8982722   0 03:29:07      -  0:00 /usr/bin/ksh /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/scripts/oracle_tdpo.ksh -l full -s ArchRedo -r 1
     root@s96hrd11:/root : ps -ef | grep /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/scripts/oracle_tdpo.ksh
        ora9i 9212104 9367796   0 03:30:06      -  0:00 /usr/bin/ksh /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/scripts/oracle_tdpo.ksh -l full -s BUOn -r 1 -o 30
         root 9670860 9797792   0 03:35:53  pts/1  0:00 grep /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/scripts/oracle_tdpo.ksh
     root@s96hrd11:/root :

  Check the log file-

    cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/logs

    ls -ltr | grep epwtint | grep dbback | tail

     root@s96hrd11:/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/logs : ls -ltr | grep epwtint | grep dbback | tail
     -rw-r--r--    1 ora9i    dba           19131 May 30 11:23 rman_out.30.05.09-03:30:06.dbbackup.epwtint.5562582
     -rw-r--r--    1 ora9i    dba           19131 Jun 02 17:09 rman_out.02.06.09-03:30:11.dbbackup.epwtint.4710402
     -rw-r--r--    1 ora9i    dba           19131 Jun 06 11:13 rman_out.06.06.09-03:30:09.dbbackup.epwtint.7864520
     -rw-r--r--    1 ora9i    dba           19131 Jun 09 17:33 rman_out.09.06.09-03:30:16.dbbackup.epwtint.8315070
     -rw-r--r--    1 ora9i    dba           19131 Jun 13 11:27 rman_out.13.06.09-03:30:04.dbbackup.epwtint.8839226
     -rw-r--r--    1 ora9i    dba            6093 Jun 16 03:30 rman_out.16.06.09-03:30:10.dbbackup.epwtint.8265896
     -rw-r--r--    1 root     system          489 Jun 16 19:57 rman_out.16.06.09-15:06:52.dbbackup.epwtint.8212650
     -rw-r--r--    1 ora9i    dba            6111 Jun 17 16:13 rman_out.17.06.09-15:36:31.dbbackup.epwtint.9240606
     -rw-r--r--    1 ora9i    dba           19131 Jun 23 19:36 rman_out.23.06.09-08:00:14.dbbackup.epwtint.4481260
     -rw-r--r--    1 ora9i    dba            5456 Jun 27 03:30 rman_out.27.06.09-03:30:06.dbbackup.epwtint.9212104
    tail -f

     root@s96hrd11:/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/logs : :30:06.dbbackup.epwtint.9212104                        <
     RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00079 name=/epeople/databases/epwtint/dbf/pclarge01.dbf
     RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00103 name=/epeople/databases/epwtint/dbf/pswork01.dbf
     RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00126 name=/epeople/databases/epwtint/dbf/tllarge01.dbf
     RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00045 name=/epeople/databases/epwtint/dbf/eotpapp01.dbf
     RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00025 name=/epeople/databases/epwtint/dbf/eocmwrk01.dbf
     RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00029 name=/epeople/databases/epwtint/dbf/eodslrg01.dbf
     RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00034 name=/epeople/databases/epwtint/dbf/eoeilrg01.dbf
     RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00039 name=/epeople/databases/epwtint/dbf/eoiulrg01.dbf
     RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=00052 name=/epeople/databases/epwtint/dbf/glapp01.dbf
     RMAN-08038: channel epwtint_t1: starting piece 1 at 27-jun-2009_03:30:13

 Copy directory
  cp -r
  tar cf - ./ | ( cd ; tar xf - )

   tar cf - ./V9.1 | ( cd /mif/DB/mifarchive/AbsBackup/20090325to20190325/DB2/s96mif0c0 ; tar xf - )

 Compress directory

  tar -cvf .tar   
  Example: tar -cvf pk6xap01_db2move.tar db2move

xxx -------------------------------------------------------------------- xxx -------------------------------------------------------------------- xxx

Linux Shell Scripting Excercises

Eg :1
 hostname>name.log ; vserver=`cat name.log` ; echo $vserver ; rm name.log
Eg :2
 ora1023@s96dbt01:/home/ora1023 : cat
 echo "Enter character:"
 read vchr
 if [ "$vchr" = "" ]
    echo 'Invalid!'
    echo $vchr

Eg :3
 uname > OSname.log
 vos=`cat OSname.log`
 rm OSname.log
 echo 'File removed sucessfully!'
 if [ "$vos" = "SunOS" ]
  echo 'Sun Operating System'
  echo 'Not a Sun Operating System'

xxx -------------------------------------------------------------------- xxx -------------------------------------------------------------------- xxx

root@s96iuk0d0:/oracle/log/iukp/cdump : cp -rf /oracle/log/iukp/cdump/core_* /root/core
root@s96iuk0d0:/oracle/log/iukp/cdump : cd /root/core
root@s96iuk0d0:/root/core : ls -l
total 18
drwxr-x---   2 root     root         512 Feb  3 23:20 core_10403
drwxr-x---   2 root     root         512 Feb  3 23:20 core_1093
drwxr-x---   2 root     root         512 Feb  3 23:20 core_1103
drwxr-x---   2 root     root         512 Feb  3 23:20 core_11675
drwxr-x---   2 root     root         512 Feb  3 23:20 core_22041
drwxr-x---   2 root     root         512 Feb  3 23:20 core_23177
drwxr-x---   2 root     root         512 Feb  3 23:20 core_27323
drwxr-x---   2 root     root         512 Feb  3 23:21 core_28608
drwxr-x---   2 root     root         512 Feb  3 23:21 core_4117
root@s96iuk0d0:/root/core :
root@s96iuk0d0:/root : tar -cvf /root/core.tar /root/core
a /root/core/ 0K
a /root/core/core_10403/ 0K
a /root/core/core_10403/core 151478K
a /root/core/core_1093/ 0K
a /root/core/core_1093/core 28160K
a /root/core/core_1103/ 0K
a /root/core/core_1103/core 5784K
a /root/core/core_11675/ 0K
a /root/core/core_22041/ 0K
a /root/core/core_22041/core 135477K
a /root/core/core_23177/ 0K
a /root/core/core_23177/core 0K
a /root/core/core_27323/ 0K
a /root/core/core_27323/core 149837K
a /root/core/core_28608/ 0K
a /root/core/core_4117/ 0K
a /root/core/core_4117/core 138990K
root@s96iuk0d0:/root :
root@s96iuk0d0:/root :

root@s96iuk0d0:/oracle/log/iukp/cdump : mv /root/core.tar.gz .
root@s96iuk0d0:/oracle/log/iukp/cdump : bdf .
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/oracle/log           985951  595769  331025    65%    /oracle/log
root@s96iuk0d0:/oracle/log/iukp/cdump :

Script to be checked -
cat /tmp/awk.scr
awk '/ORA-1109/{print x};{x=$0}' /dblogs/oft1/bdump/alert_oft1.log.1
awk '/ORA-1109/{print}' /dblogs/oft1/bdump/alert_oft1.log.1
awk '/ORA-1109/{getline;print}' /dblogs/oft1/bdump/alert_oft1.log.1

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