Wednesday, December 19, 2012

db2 WS

        WorkSheets - DB2 Databse
db2 restore database tk1xapib from /olap/TT12258603 taken at 20101008164629  with 4 buffers buffer 4096 parallelism  4 without prompting
** In IVK task- Update the script with LONG Tablespace size : 15316320

** All DB2 licence Krys are stored in - s96gsuc4:/software/DB/db2software/db2_license_keys
gb_db@s96gsuc4:/software/DB/db2software/db2_license_keys $ ls -ltr
total 16
drwxrwxrwx   2 root     sys           96 Apr 12  2007 db2v7
drwxrwxrwx   2 root     sys           96 May 29  2008 db2v95
drwxrwxrwx   2 root     sys           96 Oct 15  2008 db2v9
drwxrwxrwx   2 root     sys         8192 Sep 22 10:54 db2v8

In Fleetboard    - db2start;nohup db2 -tvf redirct_zu5xai02_160809.sql -l redirct_zu5xai02_160809.log &
For IBLIS Eg TT - 9637862
All possible CI Keys   - /sysmgmt/sat/base/bin/sat_ci_provider -db
For doing verify on one db  - sat_verify_db -ci s96mif8d6:fk1xat09:FK1XAT09

For  NAG/Libelle TT Eg: 10457716
Ref : DB2 process model -

For running a SQL in nohup -
zuoxap01@s96vdc0d0:/cluster/vdrg00/db2home/zuoxap01/TT11519486 : cat
db2 connect to zuoxap01;
db2 -tvf Delete_FINList2.sql -l Delete_FINList2.log;
db2 terminate;
zuoxap01@s96vdc0d0:/cluster/vdrg00/db2home/zuoxap01/TT11519486 : nohup ./ &

For instance creation in EDC  -  Create user and group
     cd /sysmgmt/sat/db_tools/bin
     db2_create_instance -U -F -v 9.1 vkixap01

DB2 Database
db2 list active databases;echo '';db2 get db cfg for $DB2INSTANCE|grep -i pend;echo '';db2 get snapshot for dbm|grep -i start;echo '';tail -15 sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log
1) Checking DB2 error description

 Check diag.log file -
  less sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log
  tail -f sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log
 Check the error-
  db2diag -rc
  db2 "? "

DB2 Knowledge Bank
  To check startup time : db2 get snapshot for database manager|head -20
- how to
 select system time        - db2 values current timestamp
- how to
 list the instances configured in the server     - in SUN - /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance : ./db2ilist
            in AIX - /usr/opt/IBM/db2/db2_08_01/instance
            in db2 prompt - db2ilist
 list the instances that are running     - ps -ef | grep -i db2
 create an instance       - ./db2icrt -u
 list the connected instance       - db2 get instance
 drop instance        - ./db2idrop -f
 start an instance       - db2start
 stop an instance       - db2stop

 find the version of db2 that the database is using   - db2level
 find the bit version of db2 that the database is using   - db2level
 find the fixpack version       - db2level

 track the memory        - db2mtrk -

 list the default database path      - db2 get dbm cfg | grep -i dbpath
 list databases created under one instance    - db2 "list db directory"
            db2 "list db directory"|grep -i "database name"
 list the max number of databases activate simultaneously  - db2 "get dbm cfg" | grep -i numdb
 create database        - db2 "create database using codeset territory "
 the number of active databases under that instance   - db2 "list active databases"
 the nodes created       - db2 "list node directory"
 drop databse        - db2 "drop db "
 activate the database       - db2 "activate db "
 know if the database is active      - db2 "list active databases"
 deactivate the database       - db2 force applications all;db2 terminate;db2 deactivate db
 restart the database       - db2 "restart db "
 know if you are already connected to the database   - db2 "get connection state"
 manually archive a log file      - db2 archive log for db
 know if the database is remote or local     - db2 "list database directory"
 disconnect only one application      - db2 "force application ()"
 disconnect all applications      - db2 "force applications all"

 start the das        - db2 "start database manager"
 disconenct from the db after connecting to it    - db2 "terminate"

 update the parameter newlogpath      - db2 "update db cfg for using NEWLOGPATH "
 find log file size       - 1) db2 get db cfg for |  grep -i log
            2) (LOGFILSIZ * 4KB)/1024
 find total log file size (including primary & secondary)  - 1) db2 get db cfg for |  grep -i log
            2) ((LOGFILSIZ * 4KB)/1024)* (LOGPRIMARY + LOGSECOND)
               Eg: ((50000 * 4K)/1024)* (245+10) = 200000 (200 Mb) * 255 = 51000 (51 GB)
 list dbm parameters       - db2 "get dbm cfg"
 update the dbm parameters      - db2 "update dbm cfg using "
 check what are the environment variables set    - db2set -all
 update one environment variable      - db2set = Eg: db2set db2comm=tcpip
 set the environment variable to null / reset the variable  - db2set =
 provide IBM with db information while opening a PMR   - db2support . -d $DB2INSTANCE -cl 0
 display the license information      - db2licm -l
 add a license to the product      - db2licm -a
           for listing all options go for db2licm
 find the database port       - 1) db2 get dbm cfg | grep -i svcename
            2) cat /etc/services | grep -i
 find the location of the installed product , on AIX, sun etc  - 1) issue uname -a
            2) if sun => opt/IBM/db2/V8.1
            3) if AIX => /usr/opt/IBM/db2/db2_08_01
*** what is the difference betweeen connect reset / terminate  -
 find the authoritises of the user on the database /   - query syscat.dbauth or db2 get authorizations
      on the tablespaces /     query table syscat.tbspaceauth or
        on the tables     query table syscat.tabauth
 find the authorizations for the current user    - db2 get authorizations

*** grant connection to the database     - db2 "grant connect on database to user "
 verify whether the db is in automatic memory management mode  - db2 "get db cfg for db2inst1" | grep -i memory
 grant role to a user       - db2 connect to $DB2INSTANCE user db2secad using db2secad; db2 grant role ZA2_DEVELOPER to kgampe5; db2 terminate;
 verify the granted role       - db2 connect to $DB2INSTANCE; db2 "select substr(grantee,1,15) grantee ,substr(rolename,1,15) role from syscat.roleauth where rolename='ZA2_DEVELOPER' and grantee='KGAMPE5'";db2 terminate

- how to find
 db2diag.log file        - db2 get dbm cfg  | grep -i diagpath or sqllib/db2dump/
 diag level        - db2 get dbm cfg | grep -i diaglevel
 db2inst1.nfy file       - sqllib/db2dump/
 db2eventlog.000        - sqllib/db2dump/
- how to find
 the number of applications connected to the database    - db2 "list active databases"|grep -i applications
 the tables in the database      - db2 "select count(*) cnt from syscat.tables"
 the tablespaces, and find the tablespace size of id=2, find the HWM - db2 "list tablespaces show detail"
            db2 "select pagesize from syscat.tablespaces where tbspaceid=2"
 if there is a restore/ backup or load in progress   - db2 list utilities show detail
            db2pd -utilities
 the location of the containers of the tablespaces   - db2 list tablespace containers for show detail
- how to
 find the number of configured bufferpools    - query table syscat.bufferpools
 create a bufferpool       - db2 "create bufferpool size 500 pagesize <4>k"
 drop bufferpool        - db2 "drop bufferpool "
 alter bufferpool       - db2 "alter bufferpool immediate size
 find active bufferpools       - db2 get snapshot for bufferpools on za2xai03|egrep "Bufferpool name|Current size"
 find bufferpools with pages      - db2 'select substr(BPNAME,1,15)  BPNAME,BUFFERPOOLID,PAGESIZE,BLOCKSIZE,npages from syscat.bufferpools'

 create tablespace (DMS)       - db2 "create tablespace pagesize <4k k..="k.." k="k"> managed by database using (file '/ 1000) extentsize 4 PREFETCHSIZE 8 bufferpool bp_8k"
 create tablespace (SMS)       - db2 "create tablespace pagesize <4k k..="k.." k="k"> managed by system using ('')  extentsize 8 prefetchsize 32 bufferpool bf_16k"
 alter tablespace - resize pages      - db2 "alter tablespace resize(all )" /
    - resize size      - db2 "alter tablespace resize(all )"  /
    - resize pages      - db2 "alter tablespace resize(file '' )" /
    - extend pages      - db2 "alter tablespace extend(file '' )"  /       
    - extend pages      - db2 "alter tablespace extend(all )" /
    - for simultaniously add|extend|resize containers - db2 "alter tablespace
            add (file <'file>' )
           extend (file <'file>' )
           rezize (file <'file>' )"
    - with enabling autoresize     - db2 "alter tablespace
           autoresize yes increasesize percent
           maxsize |none"
 find out what is the state of the tablespace means   - db2 "list tablespaces show detail" | grep -i state
            then issue db2tbst
            0x0000 => normal
            0x0004 => reorg pending
            0x0008 => backup pending
- how to find

            b) db2 "select SUM(TBSP_USED_SIZE_KB)  from SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION"
- how to find
 tablespaces using automatic storage/Auto-resize enabled   - db2 get snapshot for tablespaces on $DB2INSTANCE|egrep -i "Tablespace ID|Tablespace name|Using automatic storage|Auto-resize enabled"
- how to find the      
 territory of the database      - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i territory
 code set of the database      - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i code
 service name        - db2 get dbm cfg | grep -i svcename
 log file size        - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i log
 heap values        - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i heap
*** path to archive log       - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i log
*** active log         - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i log
 number of primary / secondary logs     - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i log
 how many logs are allocated when the db is started   - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i logprimary
*** if the database is in backup / restore / rollforward pending state - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i  pending
 if the database is in recovery mode     - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i recovery

- how to
 extract the DDL statements of the objects in the database  - using db2look utility
            Eg: db2look -d db2test -e -o dup_db2test.sql -l -a -xd -f -fd
            Eg: db2look -d vk0xap02 -e -tw J51RHIST -o tab_J51RHIST_data.sql -l -a -xd -f -fd
- how to
 export to an ixf file       - db2 export to of ixf "
 export a schema        - using db2move utility
 export a table        - db2 export to of ixf "select * from "
*** remove a table from check pending state     -
*** export with out using db2export tool     -
 import into a table        - db2 import from of ixf replace_create into in

- how to
*** find if the tables are in check pending state    - db2 "select substr(tabname,1,15) TABNAME,status from syscat.tables where status='C'"
*** find the time of last run runstats on the table    - db2 "select substr(tabname,1,15) TABNAME,stats_time from syscat.tables where tabname=''"

- how to
 do offline reorg on a table       - db2 reorg table index
 stop reorg on a table       - db2 reorg table inplace stop
 monitor reorg in a table      - db2pd -db -reorgs
 reorg a table and use a temp file for this reorg   - db2 reorg table use
 reorg all indexes for a table      - db2 reorg indexes all for table allow read access
 update statistics on a table      - db2 reorgchk update statistics on table
 find the last analyzed date      - db2 "select tabname,stats_time from syscat.tables where tabname='' and tabschema=''"
 runstats on a table       - db2 runstats on table allow read access
 Online reorg        - db2 "select 'REORG TABLE '||TRIM(tabschema)||'.'||tabname||' INPLACE ALLOW WRITE ACCESS;'  from syscat.tables where tabschema in (select distinct substr(tabschema,1,15)tabschema from syscat.tables where tabschema not like 'SYS%')"
 Online RUNSTAT        -
db2 "select 'RUNSTATS ON TABLE '||TRIM(tabschema)||'.'||tabname||' AND DETAILED INDEXES ALL ALLOW WRITE ACCESS;'  from syscat.tables where tabschema in (select distinct substr(tabschema,1,15)tabschema from syscat.tables where tabschema not like 'SYS%') and type='T'"

- how to check reorg stats
db2 "select REORG_START,REORG_END from sysibmadm.snaptab_reorg where tabname='FK1R_MGNTUNITFILTE'"
select rtrim(substr(table_schema,1,10)) as "Schema",rtrim(substr(table_name,1,29)) as "Table_name",
case reorg_status
  when 1 then 'Started'
  when 2 then 'Paused'
  when 3 then 'Stopped'
  when 4 then 'Completed'
  when 5 then 'Truncated'
end as status,
(minute(reorg_end - reorg_start)) as "Minutes_Ran"
from table(sysproc.snapshot_tbreorg('',-1)) as t where date (reorg_start) > (current_date - 1 day) order by reorg_start desc;
db2 "describe select * from table(snapshot_tbreorg('',0))a"
- how to find
 since when the database has been up     - db2 get snapshot for dbm | grep -i timestamp or
            db2 get snapshot for dbm | grep -i start
 detailed inforamation of the applications    - db2 list applications for db show detail
*** number of deadlocks       - db2 get snapshot for database on | grep -i lock
*** if any application is blocking another application   - db2 get snapshot for all applications | grep -i lock
          - db2 get snapshot for all applications | egrep -i "held|handle"
 No of locked tables        - db2 get snapshot for locks on $DB2INSTANCE|grep -i "Table Name" | sort -u
 No of locked tablespaces      - db2 get snapshot for locks on $DB2INSTANCE|grep -i "Tablespace Name" | sort -u
 No of locked schemas        - db2 get snapshot for locks on $DB2INSTANCE|grep -i "Table Schema" | sort -u            db2 get snapshot for application agentid "59805"

- how to
 Check the integrity of backup image     - db2ckbkp -h   
 check database size        - db2 "call get_dbsize_info(?,?,?,-1)"
 backup a database to disk      - db2 backup database online to
 check backup retention policy      - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i num_db_backups
*** backup a database to tsm      -
*** One tablespace is in backup pending state, how to remove it from  - db2 backup db tablespace online use tsm
*** backup pending state       - db2 get db cfg for | grep -i pending
*** check the backup file present in tsm     - db2adutl query full db
*** verify if the backup is not corrupted     - db2adutl verify
 verify the tablesapce info in backup      - db2adutl verify tablespaceonly taken at db
 retrive the backup image to the local FS    - db2adutl extract full taken at without prompting

- how to
 list backup history       - db2 list history backup all for db
 list archive history       - db2 list history archive log all for | tail -5
 list history of backups stored in tsm     - db2adutl query full db
*** list the history of tables that are altered    -

- how to
 recover a database to the first consistency point   - db2 rollforward db query status;
            db2 rollforward db stop;
            db2 rollforward db to ;       
            db2 rollforward db complete
 recover a database to end of logs     - db2 rollforward db to end of logs
 recover a database to a PIT      - db2 rollforward db to
 complete the recovery process      - db2 rollforward db to [|end of logs] complete
 stop the recovery process      - db2 rollforward db stop

- how to restore a database
 from a backup on disk       - db2 restore db from taken at
*** from a backup IN TSM       - db2 restore db use tsm taken at
*** with different FS structures, how would you set the target container  -

Restore a database from its own backup:
db2adutl query full db $DB2INSTANCE
db2 list history backup all for $DB2INSTANCE
db2 get db cfg for $DB2INSTANCE|grep -i "Path to"
db2 connect to $DB2INSTANCE; db2 "call get_dbsize_info(?,?,?,-1)" ; db2 terminate
db2 list active databases
db2 force applications all;db2 terminate
db2 force applications all;db2 terminate
db2stop force
db2start;nohup db2 restore db $DB2INSTANCE use tsm open 1 sessions taken at with 2 buffers buffer 1024 parallelism 1 without prompting &
tail -f nohup.out
db2 list utilities show detail
db2 rollforward db $DB2INSTANCE stop
db2 rollforward db $DB2INSTANCE to ""
db2 rollforward db $DB2INSTANCE complete
db2 get db cfg for $DB2INSTANCE |grep -i pend
db2 connect to $DB2INSTANCE;db2 terminate
db2 backup db $DB2INSTANCE tablespace syscatspace online use tsm
db2 get db cfg for $DB2INSTANCE|grep -i "Path to"

- how to check the listener status
 check service name       - db2 get dbm cfg  |grep -i svc
 check services for port number      - cat /etc/services | grep -i |grep -v DB2_
        grep "^$DB2INSTANCE" /etc/services | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F'/' '{print $1}'
 Check the port availability      - netstat -an | grep -i

 Check reorg on user defined date     - db2 "select * from table(snapshot_tbreorg('',-1)) x where date(reorg_start) = '07.06.2009'"

- how to
 drop objects in a schema       - db2 "select 'DROP '||case type when 'T' then 'TABLE ' when 'V' then 'VIEW ' end||tabschema||'.'||tabname||';' from syscat.tables where tabschema not like '%SYS%'"

- how to
 Kill a DB2 application       - db2 force application ""
 select current timestamp from dual     - db2 "SELECT CURRENT TIMESTAMP FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1"
 Checking the db is whether in archive/noarchive mode   - db2 get db cfg for VKJXAP90|egrep "LOGRETAIN|USEREXIT"

- how to
 Find the backup size directly taken to TSM    - dsmc query backup "//*"
 Find the object name by object ID     - db2 "select substr(rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||rtrim(tabname),1,60) from syscat.tables where tbspaceid=12 and tableid=535"

-how to

 Drop deadlock event monitor      - db2 "select * from syscat.eventmonitors where EVMONNAME ='DB2DETAILDEADLOCK'"
            db2 set
            db2detaildeadlock state 0
            db2 drop event monitor db2detaildeadlock

DB Export for db2:
 root / ssh / O 

 su -

 Check db size
  db2 connect to
  db2 "call get_dbsize_info(?,?,?,-1)"
  db2 terminate

 Check the space in OS level and craete one directory in the name of TT

 Go to the directory and issue-
  db2look -d -a -x -e -l -f -o db2look__.ddl
  db2move export -aw

Reorg/Runstat on database
reorg on database-
 1) db2 "select distinct TABSCHEMA from syscat.tables"
 2) db2 "select 'reorg table '||ltrim(rtrim(TABSCHEMA))||'.'||ltrim(rtrim(TABNAME))||' inplace allow write access;' from syscat.tables where TABSCHEMA='' and type='T'"
 3) db2 "select 'reorg indexes all for table '||ltrim(rtrim(TABSCHEMA))||'.'||ltrim(rtrim(TABNAME))||' allow write access;' from syscat.tables where TABSCHEMA='' and type='T'"

runstat on database-

 1) runstats on table .  and detailed indexes all allow write access;
 2) db2 "select 'runstats on table '||ltrim(rtrim(TABSCHEMA))||'.'||ltrim(rtrim(TABNAME))||' and detailed indexes all allow write access;' from syscat.tables where TABSCHEMA='' and type='T'"
    db2 "runstats on table MTMCSEIN.MTMROR AND detailed INDEXES all ALLOW NO ACCESS"

 For a runstat with no access

    db2 "runstats on table MTMCSEIN.MTMROR AND detailed INDEXES all ALLOW read ACCESS"

 For a runstat with read access

 Following is an example for RUNSTAT through shell script (From IVK)
 vl6xat01@s96ivk2d0:/home/vl6xat01 : cat
 db2 connect to $DB
 db2 -x "select tabschema,tabname from syscat.tables where tabschema not like 'SYS%' and type='T'" > $tmpf
 cat $tmpf | while read s t
   db2 -v "runstats on table $s.$t and detailed indexes all"

 rm -f $tmpf

 db2 connect reset;
 Example script to REORG and RUNSTATS on a database other than tabschema not like 'SYS%':
 db2 connect to $DB
 db2 -x "select tabschema,tabname from syscat.tables where tabschema not like 'SYS%'" > $tmpe
 cat $tmpe | while read p q
   db2 -v "reorg table $p.$q inplace allow write access"
 rm -f $tmpe
 db2 -x "select tabschema,tabname from syscat.tables where tabschema not like 'SYS%' and type='T'" > $tmpf
 cat $tmpf | while read s t
   db2 -v "runstats on table $s.$t and detailed indexes all allow write access"
 rm -f $tmpf
 db2 connect reset;

 DB2 offline backup to local directory:
  1) mkdir
  2) chown -R :
  3) db2 force applications all;db2 force applications all
  4) db2 terminate;db2stop force
  5) db2start;db2 backup db $DB2INSTANCE to


  5) db2start;nohup db2 backup db $DB2INSTANCE to compress &

  6) db2 terminate;db2 activate db $DB2INSTANCE

 DB2 online backup to local directory:
  1) mkdir
  2) chown -R :
  3) db2start;db2 backup db $DB2INSTANCE online to


  3) db2start;nohup db2 backup db $DB2INSTANCE online to compress &

 DB2 offline backup to TSM:
  1) db2 force applications all;db2 deactivate database $DB2INSTANCE;db2stop force
  2) db2start;db2 backup db $DB2INSTANCE use tsm

  3) db2 list utilities show detail
  4) db2 list history backup all for database  $DB2INSTANCE | tail -30
  5) db2 terminate;db2 activate db $DB2INSTANCE
  6) db2adutl query full db $DB2INSTANCE

 DB2 online backup to TSM:
  Database level backup:

   1) db2 backup db $DB2INSTANCE online use tsm (We can add parallelism and buffers for a fast backup)
   2) db2 list utilities show detail
   3) db2 list history backup all for database  $DB2INSTANCE | tail -30
   4) db2adutl query full db $DB2INSTANCE

  Tablespace level backup:
   1) db2 backup db $DB2INSTANCE tablespace online use tsm
   2) db2 list utilities show detail
   3) db2 list history backup all for database  $DB2INSTANCE | tail -30
 DB2 Restore:

 db2 restore db TK0XAT01 use tsm open 1 sessions taken at 20091125230545 with 2 buffers buffer 1024 parallelism 1

 db2 rollforward db TK0XAT01 to 2009-11-26- USING LOCAL TIME
 db2start;db2 restore db oftxat01 from /dbdumps/oftxat01 taken at 20110110072033

Shell scripting with DB2

 IVK tasks -Downloading dump files
 for i in
 wget $i

 for i in
 wget $i


 echo "START"
 db2 connect to $dataBase
 echo "convert to large"
 echo "doing reorg"
 echo "DONE"
- Multiple db restarted in DB2:
for i in fk8xap01 tkaxat01 tkexap01 tkexat01 vkdxap01 vlhxae01 vlhxae02 vlhxai01 vlhxai02 vlhxap01 vlhxap02 zu1xap01 zu1xap02 zurxat01
echo "Database $i@`hostname`"    
echo "--------------------------"
su - $i -c "db2 list active databases;db2 get db cfg for $i|grep -i pend"
echo ''
echo '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
echo ''

for i in fk8xap01 tkaxat01 tkexap01 tkexat01 vkdxap01 vlhxae01 vlhxae02 vlhxai01 vlhxai02 vlhxap01 vlhxap02 zu1xap01 zu1xap02 zurxat01
echo "Database $i@`hostname`"    
echo "--------------------------"
su - $i -c "db2 force applications all;db2 force applications all;db2 force applications all;db2 terminate;db2stop force;db2start;db2 terminate;db2 activate db $i;db2 list active databases;db2 get db cfg for $i|grep -i pend;db2 get snapshot for dbm|grep -i start"
echo ''
echo "Restart completed for Instance $i@`hostname`"
echo ''
echo '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
echo ''

-- For checking all instance/databases memory in a server
 for i in zu8xai01 zu8xai02 zu8xai04 zu8xai05 zu8xai06
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"
 echo "----------------------------"
 su - $i -c "db2 attach to $i;db2 get dbm cfg show detail|grep -i memory;db2 connect to $i;db2 get db cfg for $i show detail|grep -i memory;db2 terminate"
 echo ''

-- For checking all databases in a server
 for i in
 echo ''
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"    
 echo "----------------------------"        
 su - $i -c "db2 list active databases;db2 connect to  $i;db2 terminate"
 echo ''

 root@s96dbt01 > for i in oftxat01 db2inst1
 root@s96dbt01 > do
 root@s96dbt01 > echo ''
 root@s96dbt01 > echo "Database $i@`hostname`"
 root@s96dbt01 > echo "----------------------------"
 root@s96dbt01 > su - $i -c "db2 list active databases;db2 connect to  $i;db2 terminate"
 root@s96dbt01 > echo ''
 root@s96dbt01 > done
-- For shutdown all databases in a server
 for i in vk1xap02 vk1xap03 vk1xap04 vk1xap07 vk1xap08 vk1xap09 vk1xap10 vk1xap11 vk1xap12 vk1xap13
 echo ''
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"    
 echo "----------------------------"        
 su - $i -c "db2 list active databases"
 echo ''

 for i in vk1xap02 vk1xap03 vk1xap04 vk1xap07 vk1xap08 vk1xap09 vk1xap10 vk1xap11 vk1xap12 vk1xap13
 echo ''
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"    
 echo "----------------------------"        
 su - $i -c "db2 list active databases;db2 force applications all;db2 terminate;db2 deactivate db $i;db2stop"
 echo ''

-- For restarting all databases in a server

 echo $i                  
 su - $i -c "db2start;db2 activate db $i"
-- For checking the current active log for all dbs in a server -
 for i in vk1xap02 vk1xap03 vk1xap04 vk1xap07 vk1xap08 vk1xap09 vk1xap10 vk1xap11 vk1xap12 vk1xap13 vk1xap14
 echo ''
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"    
 echo "----------------------------"        
 su - $i -c "db2 list active databases;db2 get db cfg for $i | grep -i log | grep -i "First active log file""
 echo ''
-- For collecting the current settings for all dbs in a server -
 for i in  pk6xae01 pk6xae02 pk6xae04
 echo ''
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"    
 echo "----------------------------"        
 su - $i -c "cd /db2/TT9324315/$i;db2 list db directory > db_dir.txt;db2set -all > dbset_cfg.txt"
 echo ''

-- For checking Restoration status of Fleetboard databases
 for i in zu5xai01 zu5xai03
 echo ' '
 echo "Restoration status for $i@`hostname`"
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 su - $i -c "db2 list utilities show detail"
 echo ' '
-- For checking active status and the last logged message in .log
 for i in za3xat01 za3xat03 za3xat07
 echo ''
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"
 echo "----------------------------"
 su - $i -c "db2 list active databases;echo '';echo 'from diag.log -';echo '';cat sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log|tail -15"
 echo ''
-- For taking offline backup to local FS
 for i in zaexap40 zaexap41 zaexap42 zaexap43 zaexap44 zaexap45 zaexap46 zaexap47
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"
 echo "----------------------------"
 su - $i -c "db2 connect to $i;db2 'call get_dbsize_info(?,?,?,-1)';db2 terminate"
 echo ''
 root@s96cd2d1:/db2_omnib/TT9928633 : for i in zaexap40 zaexap41 zaexap42 zaexap43 zaexap44 zaexap45 zaexap46 zaexap47
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"
 echo "----------------------------"
 su - $i -c "mkdir /db2_omnib/TT9928633/$i "
 echo ''
 root@s96cd2d1 > do> done

 for i in zaexap40 zaexap41 zaexap42 zaexap43 zaexap44 zaexap45 zaexap46 zaexap47
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"
 echo "----------------------------"
 su - $i -c "db2stop force;db2start;db2 backup db $i to /db2_omnib/TT9928633/$i/ "
 echo ''
-- For checking locks in a server
 for i in zujxap01 zujxap02 zujxap03 zujxap04 zujxap05
 echo ''
 echo "Database $i@`hostname`"
 echo "----------------------------"
 su - $i -c "db2 get snapshot for all applications|egrep -i 'held|handle'; db2 get snapshot for locks on $i|grep -i 'Table Name'|sort -u; db2 get snapshot for locks on $i|grep -i 'Tablespace Name'|sort -u; db2 get snapshot for locks on $i|grep -i 'Table Schema'|sort -u"
 echo ''

how to interpret error in db2diag.log

   Example:  2008-09-19- I3253534C487       LEVEL: Error
  PID     : 13806                TID  : 1           PROC : db2agent () 0
  INSTANCE:              NODE : 000         DB   :
  APPHDL  : 0-48                 APPID: *LOCAL..080919075801
  FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, buffer pool services, sqlbinit, probe:540
  RETCODE : ZRC=0x850F0081=-2062614399=SQLO_SSEM_EXCEED_MAX
     "Requesting too many semaphores"
     DIA8336C Requested too many semaphores

   Action : db2diag -rc 0x850F0081
  Input ZRC string '0x850F0081' parsed as 0x850F0081 (-2062614399).
  ZRC value to map: 0x850F0081 (-2062614399)
   V7 Equivalent ZRC value: 0xFFFFD681 (-10623)
  ZRC class :
   Resource Capacity Error (Class Index: 5)
   SQLO ; oper system services (Component Index: 15)
  Reason Code:
   129 (0x0081)
  Identifer (without component):
   Requesting too many semaphores
  Associated information:
          Sqlcode -902
  SQL0902C  A system error (reason code = "") occurred.  Subsequent SQL
  statements cannot be processed.

          Number of sqlca tokens : 1
          Diaglog message number: 8336

 @s96dbt01:/home//sqllib/db2dump : db2 ? SQL0902C

  SQL0902C A system error (reason code = "")
            occurred.  Subsequent SQL statements cannot be


  A system error occurred.

  User Response:

  Record the message number (SQLCODE) and reason code in the

   If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at
  the operating system command prompt.  Then contact your technical
  service representative with the following information:

  o   Problem description

  o   SQLCODE and embedded reason code

  o   SQLCA contents if possible

  o   Trace file if possible.

   Federated system users: isolate the problem to the data source
  failing the request (refer to the problem determination guide to
  determine which data source is failing to process the SQL
  statement) and take the necessary diagnostic steps for that data
  source.  The problem determination procedures for data sources
  vary, so refer to the applicable data source manuals.

   sqlcode :  -902

   sqlstate :  58005

  @s96dbt01:/home//sqllib/db2dump : db2 ? "SQL1040"

  SQL1040N The maximum number of applications is already connected
            to the database.


  The number of applications connected to the database is equal to
  the maximum value defined in the configuration file for the

   The command cannot be processed.

  User Response:

  Wait for other applications to disconnect from the database.  If
  more applications are required to run concurrently, increase the
  value for maxappls .  After all applications disconnect from the
  database and the database is restarted, the new value takes

   sqlcode :  -1040

   sqlstate :  57030

DB2 commands
For uploading the db2 instance details for PMR  - db2support . -d -cl 0
To find out who is the fenced user  - Check the owner of the file /sqllib/adm/.fenced
DB2 max connections exceeded   - db2 get dbm cfg |grep -i max
        ps -ef | grep |wc -l
        db2 get dbm cfg |grep -i agents
        db2pd -agents|head
Backup and restore parallelism

Go to the > db2_omnib > > > > usetsm > issue ls -ltr|tail > cd
   check file name like ora_adsm.result.0

root@s96gsuc1:/root : ora_omnib -l s96fbc1-200902081900
09.02.09 06:35:55 (s96gsuc1-l) Logfile '/log/ora_omnib/detail/s96fbc1.200902081900'
08.02.09 19:00:07 (s96fbc1-T) Begin s96fbc1-200902081900-TM
08.02.09 19:00:07 (s96fbc1-T) Perform total Backup of Oracle/DB2 and Unix
08.02.09 19:00:08 (s96fbc1-T) Override REDOXNODE=
08.02.09 19:00:09 (s96fbc1-T) Found dsm.sys Address ''
08.02.09 19:00:09 (s96fbc1-T) Set OMNIHOST to 's96tsm09'
08.02.09 19:00:10 (s96fbc1-T) Set ROBOT to '1'
08.02.09 19:00:13 (s96fbc1-T) Notice, create Flagfile '/sysadm/utils/ora_adsm.act.s96fbc1.O'
08.02.09 19:00:23 (s96fbc1-T) Access remote Oracle/DB2 Kontext, possibly DB2 Backup
08.02.09 19:00:24 (s96fbc1-T) Remote Call '/tmp/ora_adsm -GO s96fbc1.OM_omnib'
08.02.09 18:00:24*(s96fbc1-G) Invoked '/cluster/s96fbc1/glockware/sysadm/utils/ora_adsm -GO s96fbc1.OM_omnib'
08.02.09 18:00:24*(s96fbc1-G) Set OMNIHOST to '.'
08.02.09 18:00:24*(s96fbc1-G) Set ROBOT to '1'
08.02.09 18:00:24*(s96fbc1-G) Notice, Option 'G1' detected
08.02.09 18:03:27*(s96fbc1-G) Invoke DB2 Backup Pass
08.02.09 18:03:29*(s96fbc1-G) Node 's96fbc1' has 16 Filesystems
08.02.09 18:03:38*(s96fbc1-G) DB2 Database 'ZU5XAP01=0', Instance 'zu5xap01' found
08.02.09 18:03:38*(s96fbc1-G) Notice, check DB2 INCLUDE LOGS 'zu5xap01.ZU5XAP01=0'
08.02.09 18:04:09*(s96fbc1-G) Longest Dump has 239292416 Byte, Space for 3 more Dumps..
08.02.09 18:04:09*(s96fbc1-G) DB2 Dump to '/db2_omnib/s96fbc1/zu5xap01/ZU5XAP01=0/20090208180023'
08.02.09 18:04:09*(s96fbc1-G) Invoke 'backup db ZU5XAP01 online use tsm open 2 sessions with 8 buffers buffer 8000 paralle
lism 16 without prompting'
08.02.09 23:13:50*(s96fbc1-G) Warning, Error '2025' at DB2 online Backup 'ZU5XAP01=0'
08.02.09 23:13:51*(s96fbc1-G) DB2 Database 'ZU5XAP02=0', Instance 'zu5xap02' found
08.02.09 23:13:51*(s96fbc1-G) Notice, check DB2 INCLUDE LOGS 'zu5xap02.ZU5XAP02=0'
08.02.09 23:14:21*(s96fbc1-G) Longest Dump has 239292416 Byte, Space for 3 more Dumps..
08.02.09 23:14:21*(s96fbc1-G) DB2 Dump to '/db2_omnib/s96fbc1/zu5xap02/ZU5XAP02=0/20090208180023'
08.02.09 23:14:21*(s96fbc1-G) Invoke 'backup db ZU5XAP02 online use tsm open 1 sessions with 2 buffers buffer 2048 paralle
lism 1 without prompting'
08.02.09 23:19:40*(s96fbc1-G) Instance 'ZU5XAP02=0' backed up (C)
08.02.09 23:19:40*(s96fbc1-G) DB2 Database 'ZU5XAP04=0', Instance 'zu5xap04' found
08.02.09 23:19:40*(s96fbc1-G) Notice, check DB2 INCLUDE LOGS 'zu5xap04.ZU5XAP04=0'
08.02.09 23:20:15*(s96fbc1-G) Longest Dump has 239292416 Byte, Space for 3 more Dumps..
08.02.09 23:20:15*(s96fbc1-G) DB2 Dump to '/db2_omnib/s96fbc1/zu5xap04/ZU5XAP04=0/20090208180023'
08.02.09 23:20:15*(s96fbc1-G) Invoke 'backup db ZU5XAP04 online use tsm open 1 sessions with 2 buffers buffer 2048 paralle
lism 1 without prompting'
08.02.09 23:21:20*(s96fbc1-G) Instance 'ZU5XAP04=0' backed up (C)
08.02.09 23:21:21*(s96fbc1-G) Max.Redolength 1000000 Byte
09.02.09 00:21:55 (s96fbc1-T) Break, DB2 Backup failed
09.02.09 00:21:56 (s96fbc1-T) Error 2025 User 'zu5xap01', Instance 'ZU5XAP01=0' (An I/O error "-50" occurred on media "TSM
09.02.09 00:21:58 (s96fbc1-T) End s96fbc1-200902081900-TM-2025-321-s96gsuc1-0-1659248
09.02.09 06:36:12 (s96gsuc1-l) Done
root@s96gsuc1:/root :       

    TAKEN AT 20090206180425
    -- NEWLOGPATH /onlineredo/ZU5XAI01/NODE0000

db2 "select substr(TABNAME,1,15) TABNAME , CASE TYPE WHEN 'A' THEN ' Alias' WHEN 'H' THEN 'Hierarchy table' WHEN 'N' THEN 'Nickname'  WHEN 'S' THEN 'Materialized query table'  WHEN 'T' THEN 'Table' WHEN 'U' THEN 'Typed table'  WHEN 'v' THEN 'View' WHEN 'W' THEN 'Typed vew' END  TYPE from syscat.tables where status='C' and TABSCHEMA='MIF_DEV'"

Create db with default tablespaces in desired location

create database fk1xat03 using codeset UTF-8 territory DE catalog tablespace managed by database using ( file '/db2_data/FK1XAT03/system1/SYSCATSPACE_1.dat' 165320 ) extentsize 4 prefetchsize 16 temporary tablespace managed by system using ('/db2_data/FK1XAT03/temp1sms/TEMPSPACE1_1' ) extentsize 32 prefetchsize 32 user tablespace managed by database using ( file '/db2_data/FK1XAT03/data1/USERSPACE1_1.dat' 60000 ) extentsize 32 prefetchsize 32;

update parameter CATALOGCACHE_SZ
db2 update db cfg for fk1xat03 using CATALOGCACHE_SZ -1
$ cat db2look_mifdev.log | grep -i SQL | sort -u
$ cat db2look_mifdev.log | egrep "SQL0|DB20" | grep -v "DB20000I" | grep -v "ALTER"

   nohup db2 restore db vl6xap02 logs use TSM taken at 20110523030248  logtarget /onlineredo/VL6XAQ01/NODE0000/ &

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